Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

CNA Workers' Compensation

The Workers' Compensation attorneys of Terry Katz & Associates serve residents who live or work in New York. Each attorney has years of experience filing Workers' Compensation claims for CNAs and other professionals in the healthcare field.

As a CNA or certified nursing assistant, your job is to care for others. What happens if you are injured on the job and can no longer perform your duties properly? You need to find a Workers’ Compensation attorney to take your case and make sure you get the care you deserve until you get back on your feet and are able to resume your duties.

If you are a CNA and have been injured while on the job, the attorneys at Terry Katz & Associates can help you get the compensation you need! The attorneys specialize in CNA Workers’ Compensation claims and have the experience you need to back up your case.

Our initial consultations are always free, after 30 years we know how to fight for you and your family!

Call today to get started at (516) 997-0997.

CNA Workers’ Compensation Claims

Your job as a CNA requires that you perform duties that may carry a certain risk of injury.

It’s part of the job. Heavy lifting, moving patients, combative patients, scratches, biting, pinching, even slip and falls, are all possible hazards of your job. You may go through many years of performing your duties without so much as a scratch, but it only takes one injury to put you off work for a substantial period of time.

Being able to file a CNA Workers’ Compensation Claim will cover your medical expenses as well as the time you’ve missed from work.

The ultimate goal of filing a claim is to make sure that all of your medical expenses are paid and that you are compensated for any time off of work that was a direct result of your injury.

Stay Calm

Being out of work is stressful. Being out of work and down with an injury can be both stressful and frustrating, especially if the injury is work-related.

The process for filing a Workers’ Comp claim can be time-consuming. The process is in place for a reason. It is designed to ensure that you are able to get the compensation you need so you can heal and eventually get back to work.

Hiring a Workers’ Compensation attorney and their law firm will make the process go much smoother.

Your attorney will handle all of the paperwork and make sure that every deadline is met. They will guide you through the process and explain everything that is happening so that you will always know right where you stand. Your attorney will be there every step of the way.

It’s important to remember that every small business is required to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance for its employees.

Protect Your Rights

The most important role of a Workers’ Compensation attorney is to protect your rights. As an employee, you have the right to compensation if you are injured while on the job. While some accidents are preventable, many are not. It’s up to you to stay as safe as possible and take whatever precautions are necessary for the job you may be performing. When an accident does occur, however, it is up to your employer to make sure you are properly cared for until you are able to resume your duties.

Once you’ve reported the accident to your employer and seek medical attention, your next step should be hiring a Workers’ Compensation attorney who has experience with CNA cases. Working within the medical and healthcare fields, CNAs are often exposed to hazards not commonly seen in other industries. An attorney with experience in this field understands those subtle nuances and can make sure to address any concerns if the need arises.

Filing a CNA Workers’ Comp Claim

Filing a Workers’ Compensation claim ensures that any medical expenses you incur due to your work-related injury will be covered by your employer. It also ensures that you will be compensated for any time you miss from work that is a direct result of the injury.

Injured workers, especially CNAs in the United States, account for a large number of the hours that people miss from work each year.

There are many deadlines that must be met in order for your claim to be considered by an insurance company.

The attorney you hire to file your CNA Workers’ Comp claim will ensure that all deadlines are met and that your claim contains all of the necessary information required to be approved and processed through the system.

The Workers’ Compensation attorneys of Terry Katz & Associates serve residents who live or work in New York. Each attorney has years of experience filing Workers’ Compensation claims for CNAs and other professionals in the healthcare field. If you have been injured while on the job, don’t wait to seek medical attention! Visit your doctor!

Your next step should be to call (516) 997-0997 today for a free consultation with one of the attorneys at Terry Katz & Associates.

We will review your case and help you get the claim process started!

Frequently Asked Questions About Workers' Comp

Free Evaluation
(516) 997-0997